We offers the best and most affordable support with our Site Service team available to provide high quality support services as and when required, provide technical support and after-sales services that are in line with our expertise with backup from OEM Partners across the globe.
Our Partnership with various original equipment manufacturers distributors has given to opportunity to be distributors to a wide range of world class equipment and products. We also offer installation services of these equipment and products. We have in-country stock holding for prompt delivery of critical service spares. We procure and install equipment such as Pipeline and flowlines, Valves, Rotating & Static Equipment such as Pumps, Compressor, Gas & Diesel Generators, Electrical &Skid Mounted Equipment, etc
We have expertise in FEED designs that addresses clients specific requirement. We can handleMechanical Engineering, Civil & Structural Engineering, Electrical & Instrumentation, Construction Drawings and Cost Estimation
We have the capacity in pipeline pigging and specialty in Intelligent Pigging. We annex the best technology and techniques when it comes to pigging projects especially when it comes to hard to access pipelines or those with no launching and receiving facilities.
MJM Integrated Energy and Works Solutions Limited is a major OEM representative of NOV Pumps in Nigeria. We have procure several export Pumps and special pumps for major projects in oil and gas installations in Nigeria. We have in-stock spares to make clients needs during maintenance and overhaulling of equipment
MJM Integrated Energy and Works Solutions Limited has the capacity to procure and install various types of valves for all major projects needs covering: